(   E-MAIL ADDRESS:    )



SCANS  1812 -----  1904



     Also, title pages of two ledgers of baptism are scanned, to give you an impression of  the appearance
     of a ledger. See the scans of the pages bap789.jpg and bap1333.jpg
     Page 850 immediately follows page 789. There are no pages between these two numbers.
     The ledger for Baptism, covering the period 1812 through 1853, is a very thick book. At the parsonage, 
     I copied the pages of this book on a glass plate of a flat bed copier. The back of this book was bound
     so well, that it was impossible to place the book flat upon the glassplate without damaging the binding.
     I certainly did not want to break the book binding.
     Thus, the middle of the book appear unsharp and dark in the copy, obscuring the dates that the priest
     entered close to the center of the book. 
     To fix this problem, I rewrote with white ink in the copy these dates before scanning the copy. 
     Before 1853  the priests entered the baptism records sequentially on one page.
     Beginning about 1853, the registration entries of the records were divided over two pages,
     the left and right pages of the ledger.
     The size of the BMD books became so large that when a book is opened, it measures about  60 cm wide to  40 cm high.
     It was impossible to scan the entire page with an A4 scanner.
     To scan the large pages, I had to make two scans of each page. The left page was divided and designated as
     page a, (upper section) and page b (bottom section). Similarily, the right page was divided and designated as page c
(upper section) and page d (bottom section).
     If the bottom portion of a page contained no text, you will only find a page with upper sections a and c.
     On the next page, you will find an example of page 901 from the ledger of baptism, with the pages
      901a, 901b, 901c and 901d printed in a reduced scale.
     When a book is open, the left and right pages have the same page number.
     On the left page the priest wrote the surnames and first names, the date, the place of the event,
     the parents of the person etc. Other details were usually written on the right page, such as the witnesses by the
     baptism or marriage, and the remarks of the priest (for instance when a marriage service was performed elswhere).
     Notice that in this example, the priest numbered page after page, left page number 106 and right page number 107.
     It turned out that the subsequent priests did not always number the pages in this manner.
     Sometimes they used the same page number for the left and right pages (double numbers) or even no page numbers at all.
     Thus a new numbering of the pages was necessary for the scanned pages.
     For example, you will find page 901a left upper section,
                                                    901b left bottom section
                                                    901c right upper section
                                                    901d right bottom section.
     In the scans you will find the new page numbers (and years) in red ink.
     In the column "Bemerkungen" (= Remarks") the recordnumbers from the first column (number 1) are repeated, also in red ink.
     In  the example below, record numbers 7 to 12 are in red ink.


         (Unfortunately not all of the priests had such beautiful handwriting as this one).

         Translation of the left part of the title:

Page…                                                                                                                                   Year ......


 of birth

Male or

Surname, first
 names of child

Day and hour of
 birth in year 18…

Names, status and  Residence of the Parents

         (Increasing number: each record has his own subsequent number)

        Translation of the right part of the title:

Day of baptism

Names, Status and Residence of
the witnesses


Name of the author
of the record in the
churchbook with date

       When  twins were born two records were registered of course.
       In my Alphabetical Register of Names (ARN) you will find find two entries after the surname of the baptized twins.
       For example, you will find the name "Kemper" on page 1029 listed three times, twice due to twins and one time
       due to another child with the name Kemper who was also baptized and registered at the same page.
       Stillborn children are registrated with the name of the father.
       On October 1, 1875, the BMD books of the St Johann church are officially closed as Registry of Births,
       Deaths and  Marriages Registry Office
.  See page 1179d.
       After this date the local authorities took over the registration, but the parishes continued to register the records the          
         baptisms, marriages and deaths in the same way as the past.
       After some pagenumbers you will find a "* ", this means that the priests wrote additional information after this name:
       Emigriert nach Nord America, den ….  (Emigrated to  North America on…) or:
       Ausgewandert nach Nord  America ….   (Moved away to  North America…)
       Then date, month and year follows.
       But often this information is written in very bad handwriting with a pencil.
       After about 1880 the surnames and firstnames are some times corrected or annotated by other priests
       or someone else.
       For example, they wrote: 
       Musz heiszen …etc.  (Has to be called…)
       Then you will read the corrected names.
       When the corrected name is different from the name which was already written,
        then you will find the pagenumber also after the corrected name.
       In a few cases you will see a  "!"  after a page number.
       In this case you have to pay attention to the remarks the priest wrote in the column "Bemerkungen" (=Remarks).
       The naming in  Germany was very complicated untill about 1880. This will make your genealogical research after the
       name of the baptized child more difficult.

        Some examples:
       Number I (see baptizes page nr. 918b, nr. 24)

     Giesbold, Anna Maria        Colonus Johann Heinrich Stegemann, nach der Stätte genannt
                                              Giesbold, in Thiene, und Maria Elisabeth, geb. Meyermann

     (translation)                      Chief Farmer Johann Heinrich Stegemann, called to the farmstead
                                             Giesbold, in Thiene, and Maria Elisabeth, born as Meyermann

     The child ANNA MARIA  uses the surname GIESBOLD, while the fathers surname is STEGEMANN.
     The child is named by the "Stätte", (= farmstead).
     If, in this case, you searched only for the name Stegemann,(or Meyermann of the mother), you will never find
     the child Anna Maria.
     Advice: Look always at the names of the FATHER, the MOTHER and the FARMSTEAD!

    Number II (see baptizes page nr. 1145b, nr. 5)

     (Wobbe)                                 (kötter und Tischler Gerhard Heinrich Auf     Der Vater heiszt: 
     Maria Elisabeth                       der Heide geb: Stottmann in Thiene und         Gerhard Heinrich Stott-
     musz heiszen: Auf der             dessen Ehefrau Maria Elisabeth) geb.             mann,nach der Stätte
     Heide (nach der Stätte)            Kleinhaus, Siehe Bemerkung:                        Auf der Heide.Der Ver-
                                                                                                                      kehrsname ist; Wobbe
                                                                                                                      nach einem ehricherner
                                                                                                                      Besitzer der Stätte.   

    (Wobbe)                                  (Little farmer and furniture maker Ger-         The father is called 
Maria Elisabeth                         hard Heinrich Auf der Heide born: Stott-      Gerhard Heinrich Stottmann 
    has to be called: Auf der           mann  in Thiene and his wife Maria Eli-         according to the place  
(to the farmstead)            sabeth) born Kleinhaus                                Auf der Heide. The wrong   
                                                   See remarks                                                 name is; Wobbe, to a for-
                                                                                                                      mer owner of the place. 
  This case concerns the married couple Gerhard Heinrich Stottmann and his wife Maria Elisabeth Kleinhaus,
  who live on a farmstead with the name "Auf der Heide", which was the property of Wobbe in the past.
  In the book of marriages, try to find the couples you are researching 
  Then look at the witnesses, (perhaps there is an owner of a farmstead among them?) and let's hope you
  discover the name of the farmstead. Then, try to find all their children.
  Next, you search the next 25 years in the past and so on. 
  In the past they were not as conscientious in writing the names as precisely as today. 
  Consider these identical names, for instance 
  Laarmann=Lahrmann=Laermann.     Haarling=Harling.           Creutzmann=Kreutzmann.   
  Fisse=Visse.                                   Wehberg=Weberg.        
  In alphabetizing the surnames, the prefix is put after the names. 
  Zur Horst became Horst, Zur and Tor Becke became Becke, Tor
  You will also come across these names also as Torbecke and Zurhorst. 
  A concise latin genealogical dictionnary would  certainly be no luxury, especially for the period 1680 till 1812. 

   The scans of the marriages are not entirely identical to the scans of the births.
   The titles at the top of the pages are replaced by numerals, 1 through 12,  at least for the ledgers after 1853.
   On the next page you will find an example of such a title, first an original, then a german version in normal
    german letters followed by the translated version.
   Below the translated version, under the columns, you will find the numerals which correspond to the
   numerals in the scans. These numerals take the place of the original.
   Column 13 is left out because this column do not add any information.
   Furthermore, the page numbers, years and record numbers are written in blue.
   Page numbers. marr155 and marr205 will give you an impression of the frontpages of  some books.

      Left part:

     Pag….                                                                                                     Jahrgang  …..




Des Bräutigams

Der Braut

voller Namen, Stand und Wohnort

Geburts- Tag und Ort 

Eltern nach Namen und Stand 

voller Namen,  Stand und Wohnort 

Geburtstag und Ort 

  Eltern nach Namen und Stand 

     Right part:

   18….                                                                                                          Pag…

Angeblicher künftiger Wohnort 

Tage und Orte des Aufgebots 

Tag und Ort der Trauung 

Namen,Stand und Wohnort der Trauzeugen 


Namen des Kirchenbuchführers
nebst Datum 

       Translation left part:

        Page….                                                                                                             Year……





First name, Surname and residence 

Birthday and residence 

Parents- name and Status 

First name, Surname and residence 

Birthday and residence 

Parentsname and Status 

              1                   2                   3                 4               5                6                 7   

      Translation right part:

   18 ….                                                                                                                Pag… 

Indicated prospective residence

Days and resi- dence of the given notice of marriage

Day and residence of marriage

Names, Status and residence of the witnesses


Name of the author of the record in the churchbook with date

                 8                9                10                  11                 12                     13


    The scans of the deaths are not entirely identical to the scans of the births and marriages.
    The titles at the top of  the pages are also replaced by numerals, 1 through 10, at least for the ledgers after 1853.
    Below you will find an example of such a title, first an original, followed by the translated version.
    Below the translated version, under the columns, you will find the numerals which correspond to the numerals in the
    scans.  These numerals take the place of the original.
    Columns 1 and 10 are left out because these columns do not add information.
    Furthermore the page numbers, years and record numbers are written in blue.

     Translation left part:   

      Page …                                                                                                           Year ........

Increasing number

Residence of the dead person


Names, Status and Residence


Parentsname and Status

                 1                     2                        3                       4                           5

      Translation of right part:

  18.......                                                                                                                 Pag ........ 

Day and hour of the death in year 18.. 

Cause of death

Day of funeral


Name of the author of the record in the churchbook with date

                 6                            7                         8                      9                     10

    In the column "Bemerkungen" (= Remarks") the record numbers from the first column (number 1)
    are repeated, and in most cases, with the first letter of the surname from column 3 or 5.
    The scans are made in grayscale, format .jpeg.
    When the priest only wrote the firstnames of a child in column 3, then go to column 5 for the
    surname of the father.
    Page 402 starts with 402b and 402d, because the entries at the bottom of this page are
    connected to the last  page in the previous ledger.
    Page 403 ends with 403a and 403c because the year 1855 ends with some records on the top of this page.
    Thus, the positions of a, b, c and d in the scans for the deaths are applied  in the same manner as for the
    births, a left upper section, b left bottom section, c right upper section and d right bottom section.